Lord Grade

1350 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the stink of corrupt journalism and Jeff Prestridge and the shocking scandal at R4E

Yes it is corrupt to claim that with 60 articles a year you are chasing Neil Woodford when you were for two decades his greatest cheerleader on Fleet Street. Jess Press-trip ignored ALL the warnings and kept on urging Mail on Sunday readers to average down on Woodford funds. He should hold his head in shame. He demands transparency over Woodford, I demand transparency from him so have 4 questions the loathsome reptile will not answer. I also look at bent PR led journalism at the Sunday Times ref BT (BT.) Then it is onto Reach4Entertainment (R4E) where the FCA and AIM Regulation should be all over the company, its CEO Marc Boyan and chairman Lord Grade.


1508 days ago

Ex AIM casino posterboy Gate Ventures goes bust: £24m questions for Fergie, Lord Grade, Fatty Cornish & others

It was slung off the AIM Cesspit after just a few months back in 2015 but not before Roland “Fatty “ Cornish, London’s worst Nomad, had made a killing from listing fees and cashing in warrants and dumping shares. Now the company has gone bust … readers of this website cannot say that they were not warned that this would end in tears.


2391 days ago

Reach4Entertainment - finally gets its man, why shareholders should welcome Marc Boyan- BUY

This has been a long time coming but there is now a new CEO at Reach4Entertainment (R4E), in Marc Boyan. At the same time Lord Michael Grade will step up to become Non Exec Chairman. But it is Boyan who matters…no offence Lord Grade...
